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Picture Frames 101 E-Zine, Issue #001 -- We're Underway!
August 12, 2014

Class is in session

8.12.14 Volume #1

Welcome to the first addition of my Newsletter - Picture Frames 101! As someone who has an interest in making your own frames, or maybe learning how to cut your own mats, I plan to share some helpful tips, info and, every now and then, throw in give-a-ways, so stay tuned....

In this addition:

1. Tip of the month

2. Questions from the Gallery

3. Feedback

Tip of the Month

If you're making desk top frames and don't have (or don't want to spend the money on easel backs) here is a quick solution that looks great and is very sturdy. It even hints at better quality.

1 - drill a 3/8" hole at the mid-pint of the back rail (drill slightly above center so the frame can lean)

2 - cut a 3/8" piece of dowel to 1 1/2" (cut longer if the frame is larger than 5 x 7)

3 - insert dowel, lean frame back with confidence!!

Questions from the Gallery

I've been asked by some members of our PFIY community about molding - more specifically: am I able to cut and ship molding? The answer is yes!

Each month I make a batch of simple molding, usually from cherry, walnut or mahogany - depending on what I have left at the time. I cut the rabbets, the profiles and sand them. I can send it in straight lengths (5' for example) or cut to specific sizes).

You can then assemble, stain etc...

If you're interested, let me know. I'd be happy to work out a fair deal to get you some high end wood molding at a price the big companies could not deliver! No minimum order either!

Contact me here


If you have comments or suggestions for future newsletters just let me know. I am very interested in knowing what areas of framing you are most interested in and what you would like to know more about.

Until the next time, remember every picture is worth a thousand words - and a frame to hold it!

take care Al

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