Picture Frames 101
Class is in Session

Why in the world would you want to sign up for a picture framing newsletter? Don't we already get enough "junk" e-mail - not to mention the junk mail that comes through the postal service?

The answer to that questions is: because, unlike other newsletters, this one will help you become better at something you are already interested in - picture framing and mat cutting!

Every now and then you'll get a new tip on different things like;

  • creating your own frames stands in less than 10 minutes
  • simple ways to turn plain molding into incredible looking fancy molding
  • unique ways to create shadow boxes
  • change the look of old frames with new mats

Free tools, supplies and goodies

Everyone loves free stuff. I'll have some of that too.

At the end of January 2016 I will be giving a way a 17 piece T-track system (pictured) to one lucky subscriber.

Sign up today to find out how to enter. Dead-line is January 28th!

All you have to do is sign up for the newsletter to find out how to get in on the drawings. It will be VERY simple.

Free helpful information AND free stuff that is useful??

What a combination!

T-Track  give-a-way for Jan'16

The answer is....

In each Newsletter I will answer questions I get from Newsletter subscribers or from users of the site. If one person is asking, others are thinking about it too. Everyone will benefit as we work to help each other learn and grow.

So sign up and feel free to ask and learn from what others are asking. It's a two-way street!

Use the form to the right to sign up. I will add you to the list and you will receive the next edition and access to previous editions. 

I try to keep them brief and to the point, so they are as useful and as quick  a read as possible for you. 

Take care


Have a question or a comment? This space is for you! Leave it in the box below.

© Copyright  2012 -2025 by Al Pilato, picture-frame-it-yourself.com

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Updated March 11, 2025